Artificial intelligence finds the right staff, even if you don’t know you need them
Can artificial intelligence really help companies find the most suitable persons for open positions? Yes and not only that. For example, it can also find the best talents for the company that is not looking for them at the moment. This is demonstrated by the experience of eCampusWorkapp and Jobs4kitchen.
In the era of HR Tech, much attention is paid to the ability of systems to help recruiters identify candidates compatible with a job offer and select the best one based on professional and character indicators (so-called soft skills). For this reason, much attention has always been paid to the creation of automatic analysis tools of resumes and performance assessments in assessments that can now be submitted to online applicants.
In this respect, HR tech systems have certainly proved competitive in comparison to the human element (the selector) because, even if they fail to grasp the nuances that a truly experienced selector is able to grasp for example during an interview, they are instead able to guarantee constant criteria of judgmentand therefore allow a truly objective comparison between the different candidates.
The aspect in which HR Tech systems have so far been unable to compete with professionals is, however, the ability to dig, analyze and grasp key aspects of vacancies. Understanding what the company really needs has always been the key to research. The good recruiter, in fact, is the one who first writes a good job offer and lays the foundations for the selection criteria. This, so far, HR tech systems have not been able to do and have left the user total freedom to set the parameters of one’s research.
Exagogica with its platform Mundamundis 2.0 creates a new reference in HR Tech systems by releasing features that support advertisers in the correct analysis of the vacancy and in the writing of its job offer. Exagogica technology also allows the company to be profiled upstream of the single job offer, ensuring that it receives the most interesting profiles for one’s business, whether or not the new staff is being looked for at that time.
The first two examples of Mundamundis application are the placement system of eCampus University and the start-up Jobs4kitchen, a research and verticalized selection platform in the HORECA sector.
WorkappeCampus: a smart, fully automated placement system
Workapp, the multiplatiform app of eCampus, forms the heart of the placement service of the largest telematics university in Italy. All enrolled students and recent graduates within one year of obtaining the title can download the app for free and receive notifications of active searches in the area of interest.
The research presented is only those aimed at students or recent graduates of their specific course of study (eCampus has activated 11 in 5 different faculties). Once read the job offer of interest, students can apply simply by clicking on a button. The system creates resumes and cover letters based on the information each student has provided by answering questions asked by the virtual assistant Beatrice, who chats with users to help them, step by step at every stage of profiling.
Mundamundis was founded in 2019 to support the service delivery activities for the active labour policies of CNA Employment Agencies. Mundamundis, in turn, is based on the job matching technology of the ExagogicaRecruitment Management solution, developed on the basis of the careeer management and talent review activities conducted for years with FCA, Marelli and Ariston Thermo.
In its current version, Mundamundis integrates advanced artificial intelligence, based on machine learning, which is used to add a fundamental function to the eCampus app. Through its job scanner, in fact, the system now searches every day for job offers present online and is able to understand, organize and, above all, analyze them.
It is exactly the analysis function that allows to define the skills and characteristics required by the role, using both the analysis of the job offer text and the induction that the system is capable of. Thanks to this information, eCampusWorkapp offers its users the job offers in which they may be really interested and for which they have the opportunity to be selected.
Jobs4kitchen: the innovative platform for the research and selection of HORECA personnel
Artificial intelligence is widely used by Exagogica on the Mundamundis platform also in the Jobs4kitchen application, the app dedicated to the search for personnel in the HORECA sector.
In this case, the most interesting function for companies looking for personnel is the proactive reporting of interesting personnel when there are new profiles with ideal characteristics for the user company. Also in this case the service is provided thanks to the fact that each company user carries out a profiling (also carried out through a simple interview) in which indicates the type of work carried out and types of personnel employed. Based on these data, it is the Jobs4kitchen app that introduces companies to the ideal users and they can create their own list of interesting names to draw on when looking for candidates for a specific position.
Even this function, as complex in its mechanisms as it is easy to use, is based on the Exagogica expert systems that are the basis of the Recruitment Management.