Mundamundis is an integrated solution conceived to provide professional services for the Job market
Mundamundis consists of a powerful and reliable management system (back end), access to specialized vacancy databases and training offers, an app with which users can directly access the main services and a system for publishing geo-localized advertisements on the web.
Derived from Exagogica Job Center, Mundamundis offers Employment Centers and Employment Agencies support to deliver their main services: basic advice, specialist advice, skill gap analysis, job placement, recruitment and selection for companies.
Mundamundis offers a “turnkey” solution in which the customer has not only software functions, but also all the data required to carry out his activities. These are basically of two types: repertoires and transactional data.
Jobs and skills repertoires
The management of professions and the related expected skills is managed by Mundamundis according to the directives issued by ANPAL for the achievement of the objectives set by the GOL program – Employability Guarantee of Workers within the National Resilience Recovery Plan (PNRR).
The repertoire of professions complies with the ISTAT CP2011 repertoire. The professional skills, on the other hand, are drawn from the INAPP Atlas of professions and qualifications in its most recent version (Areas of activity, sequences and processes). The expected profiles of each profession are also integrated with the requirements of transversal skills (ANPAL), language skills (CEFR), digital skills (DigComp).
Mundamundis, thanks to the depth of user profiling and vacancies guaranteed by the repertoires we have studied, is able to make the most of the Job Center artificial intelligence engine. Thanks to that, the suitability index issued by the application for a user relating to the available offers (and viceversa) is very accurate.
Job vacancy and job seeker directories
The other extraordinary feature of Mundamundis is its integration with two web modules that can feed the repertoire of job vacancies and potential candidates available to operators.
Vacancies (useful for those who carry out placement activities) are identified by the Job scanner module on public websites and are verified and analyzed through the artificial intelligence engine that automatically reports them to the most suitable users.
The new candidates (useful for those who work in the research and selection market) cab be attracted from the infinite landing pages that the system allows to create by publishing job offers. The response to an advertisement, in fact, is carried out through the app. Mundamundis’ chatbot makes an in-depth profiling of each new candidate who becomes available for all personnel searches managed by the operators.
Active labor policies
The Mundamundis system, thanks to the specific functions and perfect integration with the logic of the GOL program, allows Employment Centers and Employment Agencies to also provide the fundamental services of active labor policies.
With reference to the LEP – Essential Levels of Performance (Annex B of Decree no. 4 of the Ministry of Labor of 11 January 2018), Mundamundis provides tools and resources to deliver the following services:
- Reception and first information
- Orientamento di base
- Specialist advice
- Support for job placement
- Introduction to training and qualification
- Job matching